Nobumasa Takahashi is a fanatic of matiere that uses a technique called Mixed Media, which utilizes various materials, and explores how paint mixes together and studies designs that become the subject in drawing a painting.
高橋信雅は、様々な「材料」を混合する「ミクストメディア」という手法で作品制作を行っている。 生まれた「表情」を研究し、発見した「仕掛け」を中心に絵を構築しているため、様々な画風を生み出している。
This series was announced by the private exhibition " BAMBOO LOVE* " at Harajuku kalokalo house in 2000. The series that studied the sensitive of the "girl".
This series was announced by the private exhibition " LOVE EGON SCHIELE " at Harajuku Re-Ma in 2001. He exhibited the work to his favorite artist EGON SCHIELE of Austria for which it mourns. This year, Nobumasa Takahashi is 28 years old. The final day of exhibition was set up on deathday of EGON SCHIELE at October 31 .
2001年に原宿レマで行った個展「ラブ エゴンシーレ」にて発表。 大好きなオーストリアの作家「エゴンシーレ」への追悼作品を展示。 エゴンシーレは28歳没。 高橋信雅はこの年28歳、最終日をエゴンシーレの命日10月31日に設定した。
This series was announced by the private exhibition " GHOST SOUP " at Akabanebashi ART GUILD in 2002 and the private exhibition " BANANA JAM " at Niigata Returner in 2003. This is the series which experimented in expansion of the "possession time" of a picture. With the mechanism, it was proved whether "possession time", "length of stay", and "raison d'etre" would amplify.
2002年に東京タワーの麓、赤羽橋ギャラリーアートギルドで行った個展「ゴーストスープ」 。2003年に新潟レインボータワーの麓、万代シティホール リターナで行った個展「バナナジャム」にて正式発表。 絵の「所有時間」の拡大実験を行ったシリーズ。 仕掛けにより「所有時間」「滞在時間」「存在意義」が増幅するかを立証した。
This series was announced by the private exhibition " SKALLMAN DROPKICK " at Shinbashi MAKII MASARU FINE ARTS in 2004. This is series which is studying "compression of information" of the picture.
This series was announced by the private exhibition " SKALLMAN DROPKICK " at Shinbashi MAKII MASARU FINE ARTS in 2004. This is series which is studying the "material" produced by the mixed drawing technique.
This series was announced by the private exhibition " JAPANESE GRAFFITI " at Nakameguro SPACE FORCE in 2006. One of his most well-known works. This is installation work which showed that "Prodigy could catch up with Genius" from "art and the difference of graffiti".
This series was announced by the private exhibition " CLASSIC CARICATURE " at Aoyama CIBONE GARELLY in 2007. This picture experimented in "the ratio of sense of incongruity" with the contrivance of the simple material.
2007年に青山シボネギャラリーで行われた個展「クラシックカリカチュア」にて正式発表。 "大人の滑稽"を表現しているシリーズ。 シンプルなマテリアルの設計により「違和感の比率」の実験を行った。
A native aborigine of Australia, and tattoo, etc. Unpublished series which is studying "a reaction and function as animate life."
オーストラリアの先住民アボリジニからタトゥー等。 「生命体としての反応や機能」を研究している未発表のシリーズ。
Mush = deforming the shape. Unpublished series.
マッシュ = つぶす。形を崩す。未発表のシリーズ。
Now, I am training the style of 19th century's most popular illustration artists, "Arthur Rackham". If I can live to become an old man, I want to draw Japanese folk/fairy stories using the style.
19世紀に活躍した挿絵画家「アーサー・ラッカム」の画風を現在鍛錬中。 おじいちゃんになるまで生きていたら、日本の昔話や童話をこの画風で描きたい。
A corrugated cardboard house and a collage are made on the memorial day.
The series which uses the technique of the trick art. It's reexpression of a point of view from the different world.
A.K.A. "NYT". NYT is the art unit. The center is designer "natsuhide", and an artist "Nobumasa Takahashi" is supporting it with a neon craftsman "Yuichi Yamamoto". We're groping after an expression of new neon.
通称 : NYT ( エヌ・ワイ・ティー )デザイナー「夏秀」が中心となり新たなネオンの表現を追求するために結成。ネオン職人「山本祐一」、アーティスト「高橋信雅」からなるアートユニット。
Early works.